

We are very happy to have a cooperation between KAKS Germany and the International Council of Ophthalmology: we have established a common fellowship programme and wish to encourage doctors and hospitals from developing countries to apply for this unique opportunity: we wish to improve practical skills and broaden perspectives of treatment and early detection of retinoblastoma.  Fellows are expected to bring the acquired knowledge and skills back to their home countries and take part in programs to preserve vision and prevent blindness.

Candidates serve their training in teaching institutions in which hands-on and surgical exposure can be granted.

For applications find more information here:

or contact us for further details via email to info@kinderaugenkrebsstiftung.de


Fellowships 2016/17/18

So far the following ICO-CECF Fellows have had their training abroad:

Dr. Soma Rani Roy from Bangladesh successfully served her Retinoblastoma Training at LV Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad, India from July to September 2017. She completed 3 months fellowship in Retinoblastoma from 1st July to 30th September 2016 at L. V. Prasad Eye Institute, under supervision of Dr. Swathi Kaliki, director of the Operation Eyesight Universal Institute for Eye Cancer in Hyderabad, India. She has now returned to Bangladesh to treat RB children with the knowledge she has gained through her KAKS fellowship.

Dr. Hany Mohamed Eid from Egypt served his ICO-CECF Fellowship from January to March 2017. His award went with a grant of US$ 4000. His reporting is still outstanding and will be sent it upon receipt.

The initial plan for Dr. Charles Umesumbu from DR Congo was that he serves his training at Rassoul Akram Hospital – Ocular Oncology Service (Iran University of Medical Sciences). Unfortunately, due to a lack of flexibility in the administration it was not possible to pursue this plan. So we arranged for a new training vacancy at Nairobi University, Dept. of Ocular Oncology under supervision of Dr. Kahaki Kimani, who is a well-known specialist for Ocular Oncolgy with focus on Retinoblastoma. 

Dr. Ikuomensian Segun Joseph from Nigeria will serve his ICO-CECF Fellowship from July to September 2017. He currently works on his registration with the Medical Council in India so that he will be allowed to enjoy hands-on and surgical exposure. His award will go with a grant of US$ 4000.

The sixth ICO-CECF Fellow, Dr. Rajkarnikar Purnima from Tilganga Eye institute in Kathmandu, Nepal already had a good clinical knowledge in diagnosis and treatment of Retinoblastoma. So she was granted a three months training in Retinoblastoma Research at Wills Eye Institute in Philadelphia, USA under supervision of Dr. Carol Shields. She is now retuning to Kathmandu, where KAKS has started a close cooperation with the goal to open up the Tilganga KAKS National Retinoblastoma Centre. We are currently working on a nationwide awareness campaign and are collecting funds to improve retinoblastoma care in Nepal and at Tilganga.
